Entertainment Electronics
Entertainment Electronics
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Please always read the Instruction Manual before use! You may find the answer to your question in there.

What does region code mean?
What should we consider when purchasing a DVD Player?
What is copy protection?
Why don’t I get a proper picture when the DVD Player is connected through a Video Player or a DVD Recorder?
Do all DVD discs feature 5.1 channel audio?
What causes distortion?
Why is picture quality worse on larger screen?
What can I do if my DivX or DVD film fails to start?
What can I do if a disc that I have previously watched cannot be played?
Why do I hear no voice only background noises? (Stereo TV or sound system)
Why is there no sound in some of the speakers of the 5.1 channels?
What can I do when my MP4 Player does not play a film?
What can I do when conversion does not start with the AMV Converter?
What is the normal battery life?
How can I change the battery?
What can I do if my earphones are mute or only cracks can be heard?
What is the ideal memory size?
Why is the FM Radio function not working properly?

We gave our advices to our best knowledge; however, some mistakes may occur for what we cannot take responsibility, nor for any subsequent financial damage. The market offers a wider range of products than the ones we discuss, but we intended to present our answers – and the questions themselves – based on the average and most common categories.